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Monday 29 September 2014

Weekend over week 4 begins!!
Mobile technology. What experiences do we have?, good, bad, informed or uninformed.
I started out with using a laptop in my then job as a building examiner at British Rail nearly 21 years ago. Some of my fellow PCET students weren't born then!!! Those were the days of floppy discs and no internet. We posted reports to the office, on discs, in envelopes. Hard to believe in these days of broadband. My next move up was to a Nokia 5800 music smartphone during my Access to H.E. course 5 years ago. Great for music but at the time, not for much else.
Year 1 at uni saw me purchasing a Kindle reader. (carrying all those text books back and forth then became a thing of the past). Year 2 at uni was the year I bought a netbook. Light, handy but a small amount of memory, so slow. I had the memory upgraded and it did sterling work for the next 2 years.
Year 3 at uni was the year of the Google Nexus tablet. I took it around Vietnam and Cambodia in 2013 and sent blogs of my adventures back for my friends to read.
I embrace new technology, it has helped me in further education and made life, mostly easier.

1 comment:

  1. That really is a journey, in more than once sense of the word. Interesting to read how mobile technology has actually! My first lap top actually hurt if I used it on my lap!
